Thursday, January 14, 2010

Long overdued new year's post

I've been so busy with shcool assignments and school projects. Sorry.
We were also there to celebrate Fah's birthday in advance

Mahjong session

Jo on the mic
Clockwise: Julius, Leon, Shi Ning, *not sure of her name*, Andy


Zhong Xiang with the ^^v

Ben has a new iPhone
He's playing with his 'light saber' geez~
I used to think the letter 'i' was so ugly but Macintosh made it


Ben's bday gift from me.
I was scared that he was gonna complain thats its so small
cause after all, he's a big guy and cause its a shower gel.
Lucky he didn't cause its cute! =p


Happy belated birthday, Fah
18 liaw, lao auntie =p


Happy Birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Fah~
Happy birthday to you~~~~~~


she's fulfilling her fave childhood drama's song
Make a wish~make a wish~
from Meteor Gardeon/Liu Xing Hua Yuan

Read her cake. A very long message indeed.

Dearest Fahfah,
A new chapter of your life has now begun.
We wish you this year will bring you lots of happiness and joyfull memories.
All the best in everything you do.

"Have a smasing 18th Birthday!"
P/S: We just renewed your Visa!! (Fatimah) haha!
Your family ♥



kena creamed!!

poor bday girl.lmao

Everyone crowding at the door trying to get inside to not to get creamed

ACBC!!! =x

these 2 guys just stayed indoors the whole time.
their excuse: we're not in their gang


her sister helping her clean up

well at least she got an awesome birthday present >.<-
she was so sakai using it the next day
I found a disadvantage of an iPhone,
they don't show the # of characters typed in a msg

After all that, we headed back in.
Some continued with their mahjong,

pong pong pong!!
i have no idea what that means either
Some karaoke-d,



Why is my reflection someone I~ don't know~ (8)

nice ass
got alot more nasty pictures of him but you didn't hear it from me =x


this is so wrong and the way jo's hands are placed =x

just look at the state of the mat
glad it wasn't mine =p


Ben so spoiler in this pic

He can drive already. Almost everyone can drive already!!!!!!!!!!
Curse this Brunei citizenship.hahaha.nda wa....


I never like taking pictures with Kuen,
I always look 100x fatter and uglier in comparison


Getting tired..
Helmi went home at 1 =(


Ben was probably drunk by the time this picture was taken
He so smart. He mix three-quarters vodka with one-quarter sprite
The immediately KO =.=''


I just realized Anderson's shirt
poor lil bro
Don't see Leon's. its


We(more like they) lit fireworks to countdown to 2010.
The night ended with booze, more karaoke-ing, ghost stories, late night snacks and sleep.


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