Friday, January 8, 2010

The last 3 days

26th December, 09
The day Helmi's going back =(
Me and Helmi went to Vivo again on our own.
I wanted to try to redeem my GST but forgot that food can't.

I made him take that picture xD
I saw one of Chip and Dale but no time


so many horses!!

I sent Helmi off at the airport at 7pm

picture taken by Shawn
Helmi's sister in law was so nice until I felt bad.
She blanja-ed me Burger King and fetched me back to the hotel and etc etc..
After that me and Shawn headed to Clarke Quay to meet up with Kuen, Xiu and August.
We go clubbing. haha. no la.
I wanted to but after what August said, I freaked out.
He said if kena caught, either kena tahan or banend from Singapore for life.
I can't give up Singapore man!! It's like my get-away from this dull,no-life country.
So just wait one more year la.

beautiful lighthing of the bridge
Guess what were we doing there at 10pm..

G-MAX bungy!!!!
For your ultimate adrenaline rush
See..this is why I cant give up SG. There's just so much to do!

I saw the crowd from the other side of the river and I was already thinking, "man~the queue so long. by the time its our turn will be midnight liaw"
When I got there..I realized that those people weren't queing.
They were SPECTATORS!!

crowds of people watching
We purchased our ticket. $60 per person for the package deal.
But if you wanan ride individual rides, its $50 for the Bungy and $45 for the swing.
Might as well take both ride right?

Actually, me and Shawn queued for the Bungy first since it was only 3 people at a time.
It was quite a long line too. Kuen and Xiu were still feeling full from their stingray dinner.
Then after like half an hour, Xiu came running up to us telling us that we should sit the Swing first cause there's nobody queueing there.

5 seater.
Kuen, Xiu, empty, Shawn, Me

The guy asked us, "So who is the brave one cause we need someone to press the lever"
Me and Xiu raised our hands at the same time then Xiu say ok lo, let me.
Then right before we go on, Shawn said he wanted it.
So we ba-sam and in the end Shawn got it.
The guy said, "Watch the light. It will turn green when the catch is released"
In the end, I was so glad that I didn't have to press the lever.
I'll explain more later.

Dangling 150 metres above the ground
We were practically suspended in air and we were coming off the seats
As it was rising, at halfway I shouted, "I forgot I'm scared of heights!!!!!"
Brunei tower wasn't even that high and I swear everything started to blurr and my heart beat like as if I was going to have a heartattack. I started holding onto the belt like as if my life depended on it(well it did!)
Shawn asked, "Are you ready?"
I screamed, "NO!!!!!!wait wait!!ok..I'm ready now but count first!!!"
"1..2..3!" We were still dangling and nothing happened.
I said, "I thought you said thr..AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Kuen said I drowned her

Everyone was smiling but I was still shaking.
I was out of breathe when it was over.HAHAHA

When we got off, Shawn said that was the most horrific thing he has ever done.
He said he wanted to do it fast so he slammed it but it didn't work.
You had to press the button slowly. The agony, he
After that we headed to the Bungy.
The line had gotten shorter.
My stomach was doing flip-flops just watching them scream.

Me and Shawn were up first

the 'chair' was rolled up to face the sky

200 metres above the ground
not only that, we were doing two 360 degree-spins.
I opened my eyes for a while but the free-fall was just too scary to watch.
Needless to say I screamed my heads off for all to watch.
There was a video camera attached. We bought the video but its with Shawn now.

Kuen and Xiu were next

No sound one them!!!!booo~
But they only got one spin-
Conclusion:the heavier you are, the more spins.
By the time we were done, it was past midnight and headed back.

27th December, 09
Woke up uber late. At 11.30am and we set out to Orchard.

taken in Little India's MRT station
Takashimaya's food court!!!

carrot cake

weehehe =D

Streets of Orchard

the popular ice cream carts all over Orchard street

I wanted to take pictures with the huge reindeers and christmas trees but guys being guys said that it was wasting time. hmmph!!
Gonna split guys and girls next time.

failed attempted shot of a white lambourghini

massive Bueno
if only it was real *sigh~*
We were walking to some other place to look for a bagpack for Kuen.
I have no idea where we were going.
I was just following from behind and ooh-ing and ahh-ing at everything.

No find on the bagpack so we walked to Far East Plaza

can't see the street lights decor =/
Shop shop shop..
By dinner time, I realized that I was down to my last $50
T.T Boohoohoo~

is it just me or does this Ronald McDonald look fatter than the others?

My $2.00 cheeseburger

Subway-Cheesesteak sandwich
I play Sims 3 and one of the cooking recipe was cheesesteak and it was the most expensive so I thought just try lo.
I'm quite disappointed. I didn't find anything special about it. or subway sandwiches in general.
Then we just sat at the dunno-what-building all night and Xiu played with my camera cause he wanted to test it out. Cybershot WX1
While August checked out the free dema for the Avatar game.

8 continous shot made into a video

trying to fuck with the panorama feature and hence the result.

only when we were about to leave then only Xiu noticed that there were two Ronald McDonald's
For the sake of it being the last night, Kuen said she wanted to try Starbucks
I forgot if it was because she never drank before or because we were gonna stay awake all night and she needs caffeine to do so.

Peppermint mocha, Toffee nut or dark cherry mocha

I got Peppermint and kuen got dark cherry
Dark cherry tastes better and I can't believe the whipped cream cost an extra dollar =.=

another massive Bueno
We went back to the hotel and tried to finish our Vodka.
Our hostel's 'manager' was also having a party with good pop/techno songs.
We played heartattack in chinese, english and malay where we would have to go
yi, two, tiga, si, five, enam
fuck it was hard plus we were drunk and all.
The stupid part was when we took a break to go pee,
One of the guys said to Xiu, "Sorry bro (for the loud music)"
Xiu replied in an indian accent saying, "no problem bro" omg!!
like zao si ah go say that in little india again. kena rogol
We continued our games and slept at 3am

28th December, 09
our departure date
Arrived and checked in at the airport at 2.30pm
Had our lunch there. They wanted to go to Subway but that was in a different terminal
So we settled for food court.

I love the tables.I want one.hahaha

Last pictures of Singapore

not that happy about it =(

her cookie monster shirt
I think she's gonna be unhappy with me for putting this picture
In the plane, I saw this little girl, she was carrying a tiger.
The seat next to hers was empty so she fasten the seat belt for
And also I kept kena bullied in the plane by the stewards =.=''
I was hugging my Eeyore to sleep.

I bought it at Kallang
They were on sale at $10/= each.
I was like having a hard time choosing which winnie the pooh character I should get
I thought Tiger was too cliche and I already have a piglet and pooh's honey jar so damn ugly
So I chose the poor Eeyore that no one usually chooses
It's so damn cute and soft!!!!!!
Now that I'm back..I kinda regret not just buying the whole set
I love those baby versions of cartoons wa
I want a baby bugs bunny also!!

The cart came and the steward at the back told me only got spaghetti left and checked if beef was ok.
So stereotyping thinking that all chinese are buddhist.haha.
He asked if I want anything to drink, I said tea and he went, "you want white tea,black tea?......chocolate tea?"
The other steward who in the front came and ask if beef was ok. The one behind said he already asked me. The one in front said he was asking the doll =.='' diao~
Then after I finish my meal, and he collected my tray. I asked if I could have more tea, he said 'no'....I asked again he shake his head. I thought he was being serious.
But he did bring a cup for me later la.
Before I got off the plane, he apologized and said he was just joking and asking me not to get mad.
Maybe scared I file a complaint.hahaha

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