Greenpeace has aged the faces of current world leaders of how they might look like in 2020 with an apology, in conjunction with the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Denmark,

French President
Nicolas Sarkozy

America President
Barack Obama
Barack Obama is only 48 now. Is he really gonna look like that at 59??
That looks like a guy in his mid-70s

German Chancellor
Angela Merkel
I think Greenpeace's purpose was to try to stir up 'controversy' so that people would take notice. But I found it sorta unfair by targetting. You can't STOP global warming. I still think that its arguable that nature would have caused it, just that we accelerated its pace.
At least these people SIGNED the Kyoto Protocol.
The ones who turned it down was ex-president, George Bush.
Was it signed yet by Barack Obama? dunno, too lazy to check
The problem is with the people who aren't willing to change.
I doubt that its not that these leaders did not try.
Its the citizens who would be enraged and overthrow them.
So why go through so much trouble by trying and not getting any results?
If majority were in their position, I think everyone would have given up trying to stop global warming and focused more on keeping their elected position..
At least these people SIGNED the Kyoto Protocol.
The ones who turned it down was ex-president, George Bush.
Was it signed yet by Barack Obama? dunno, too lazy to check
The problem is with the people who aren't willing to change.
I doubt that its not that these leaders did not try.
Its the citizens who would be enraged and overthrow them.
So why go through so much trouble by trying and not getting any results?
If majority were in their position, I think everyone would have given up trying to stop global warming and focused more on keeping their elected position..
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