I hate being called this term.
Even pure 100% geeks hate this term.

Emo, on the other hand, is something I can handle.


I hate being called a geek because of the fact that I know more than you(not being egoistic but I'm refering this to people who call me a geek). I like to learn and I ask 'stupid questions' and watch 'stupid shows' is because I think beyond your mind can expand. I don't like wasting my time smoking, drinking, sleeping and looking at PORNO!
I cried over a hamster so what? Maybe thats why I like the term 'emo' cause it means I'm 'emotional' to a certain extent like when my pet DIES.
At least I don't sob about an ex and move on by screwing another person.
At least I have more dignity and brains that you.
On another note, there has been someone whose clicking on "=.=" for the majority of my blog posts and "LoL" when its not even funny like talking about the death of another. Let me repeat to the particular person or 'few' that I say what I wanna say and I don't give a fuck about controversial because you are all so naive thinking that the world is some lala-land and the only bad there is are all written in newspapers.
I don't fear people like you. In fact, I pity you on how your mind works.
Everyone must really hate you for you to think that way about yourself that you have to look down on others just to boost your confidence. Grow up.
Just to make it clear to losers still dwelling on the 'cancer' post. I've known people who DIED of cancers and I've seen them laying there in their coffins so don't give me a fucking attitude telling me that I'm stupid. Cancer is not something you fight! In three simple words that I hope you can get it through your thick skulls,
I cried over a hamster so what? Maybe thats why I like the term 'emo' cause it means I'm 'emotional' to a certain extent like when my pet DIES.
At least I don't sob about an ex and move on by screwing another person.
At least I have more dignity and brains that you.
On another note, there has been someone whose clicking on "=.=" for the majority of my blog posts and "LoL" when its not even funny like talking about the death of another. Let me repeat to the particular person or 'few' that I say what I wanna say and I don't give a fuck about controversial because you are all so naive thinking that the world is some lala-land and the only bad there is are all written in newspapers.
I don't fear people like you. In fact, I pity you on how your mind works.
Everyone must really hate you for you to think that way about yourself that you have to look down on others just to boost your confidence. Grow up.
High School's over.
Just to make it clear to losers still dwelling on the 'cancer' post. I've known people who DIED of cancers and I've seen them laying there in their coffins so don't give me a fucking attitude telling me that I'm stupid. Cancer is not something you fight! In three simple words that I hope you can get it through your thick skulls,
deal with it!
Hi there! I've been reading your blog for awhile now and found it interesting to read, in fact I enjoy thoroughly reading your blog. In this post you mention someone has been clicking on your "=.=" and "LoL". Well I believe that someone is me who will remain anonymous. I apologise for offending you although it is not my intention to do so. My clicking of the "=.=" and "LoL" was because in some posts I do agree with your point of view or I just like your posts. Again I'm sorry for wrongful use of those "buttons" and will not click it again though might I suggest adding a new erm.. "button?" maybe something that would mean agreeing to the post or liking it? then again maybe not, its your blog after all. Please take note that I am not in Lala land while keying down all this words. For the third and last time.. sorry!
ReplyDeleteu're a girl, aren't you?