I saw my brother playing it the other day and I thought, "hey, the graphics and concept of this game isn't bad. Its realistic enough with just the right amount of 'super powers' to get sucked into."
I played my brother's account for a trial and when I looked at the time, 3 hours flew by. I created my own account and played form the beginning. Looked at the time, 6 hours flew by!!
Its starts with this guy called Desmond Miles,was kidnapped to be used as a test subject for this 'memory machine' called the Animus where memories of his ancestor were retrieved.
Altair ibn La-Ahad
(I don't know how an arabian turned orang putih but whatever)
I'm not sure where this game's goal is but I just know that it's something about finding world order. But the targets are based on real people.-
The game begins with some tutorials then a 'forced' mission to retrieve a treasure however you're only allowed to click a few buttons. While retrieving the treasure, Altaïr breaks all three tenets of the Assassin's Creed ("Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent," "Hide in plain sight" and "Do not compromise the Brotherhood")
Resulting in the death of one of his brothers and forcing his master to demote him to an initiate but give him the chance to prove himself.
This assassin is dressed as a priest so when he goes out on the streets, he can 'blend' and go unnoticed by the guards. Then he walks towards them, 
pulls out his hidden blade and stab them from behind and walks away like a saint.lol.
The cut scenes can be gory with people screaming and blood gushing everywhere.
Its not just stab and the person dies, its stab and stabd and stab and you see blood gushing out everytime and they do it until they die o.O!!!
I'm now stuck at the secodn mission and reading up walkthroughs. I use to think that walkthroughs were cheats. I have learnt the errors of my ways.lol.
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