Tuesday, December 2, 2008

the perfect gentleman??

Why must a guy kiss the girl' hands when they get acquainted?

Why must the guy kneel when he wants to propose to his beloved?

why must the guy pay for everything on a date??
I know its romantic and all but whyeee??!!
A guy wanted to kiss my hands once
but the moment his lips came so close my hand,
my immediate response was to pull away.
Plus I never ever got used to the idea of a guy paying for my movie ticket or meal.
I feel like such a gold digger whenever that happens
and I would somehow sneak the money
into his pocket or something.
I rarely even let my friends treat me to eat.
Probably its because I'm so afraid that it'll turn into a habit that I'll constantly be free loading off other people and eventually can't even stand on my own two feet.
But I won't accept it if the guy is calling ME to pay for everything.
It's you pay for yours and I pay for mine or you get lost.
Sure its nice if it happens
but nowadays,
I think people are having trouble differentiating fact from fiction
with chick flicks and fairytales all ending with the perfect couple and happy ending
Things will seem all perfect the first few months
but the act WILL get old
and you realize that he's not so much perfect after all..

Here are responses I got from people world wide when I asked them

"What a guy should do when he's on a date with a girl?"


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