As ambitious I may sound,
I have this extremely long list that I hope to
or is still considering to do in the future
1. Vanity
Of course we all want something for ourselves
considering the fact that we are being bombarded
with advertisements and media on how important looks can be.
I might actually consider going under the knife (as in plastic surgery)
Please don't tell me that looks are not important
and that we should be grateful for what we're born with
Technology is so improved and advanced so why not make use of it??
I would only change minor problems that bother only me
I was inspired by Rihanna's music video, Disturbia
I love the darkness(emo-ness) and scariness of everything in the video
so I thought that getting a photo shoot with that theme would be so awesome
When else can you dress that way except during Halloween??
Tattoos has intrigued me ever since I watched Miami ink
They can be used to symbolize a chapter in your life
and it doesn't have to extravagant
A small intricate design is enough
If I was to get one,
I want it on my ankle or tailbone
2. Future
Here are the few things that I would WANT to do
I want to know what its like to live in a busy city
Which means a country with four seasons please
It would be a nice experience
to know what the outside world is like
If I was to own my very own house
I want to be the sole designer of it
I don't want triangle roofs
I want HUGE spacious windows
and I'm not gonna reveal any more of my design ideas =p
I want to be able to do at least
one complete and proper cartwheel or somersault
In addition to that
I want to learn how to dance
I know it sounds so unlike me
but it'll be pretty cool to know how to move your feet
DDR is not counted!!
I want to learn how to skateboard
I had my chance to choose between
skateboarding and roller-blading
And what I chose is obvious now isn't it?
The first time I saw bungee jumping was when I went to New Zealand
I was 6 at the time
I have always been a crazy kid
& wanted to try but was underage
Sky diving
You get that few minutes of bliss and rush
It's literally being like a falling angel even if it lasts only 5-10 minutes
I first went boating also in New Zealand
Unfortunately, for the safety of the 'children'
we weren't allowed to go to the rapids
I wasn't even allowed to hold the freaking oars
I want to see actual wild dolphins or whales
Even if all you see is, them jumping out of the water
I think I would receive great satisfaction of seeing something so amazing
I want to own a no kill animal shelter
I'm aware of the expenses and work needed to be put into for these places
But I'm so sick of seeing dogs or cats
Getting ran over by cars and poisoned by the garbage man
How about opening up a recycling plant in Brunei?
Trash is being dumped and piled up at Sg. Akar and soon at Subok
It's disgusting!!!!
We have recycling bins all over the schools and public places but for what?
We don't even have a freaking recycling plant.
Another less messy, smelly and busy alternative is to
open up a shop selling recycled products
I don't mean like Body shop
Sort of like an arts and handicraft centre
Hopefully it would encourage people to recycle
My list still feels pretty empty
and I'm sure that there's more
but I can't think of anymore right now
I'll let you know when it comes up
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