Calvin - An over-active, over-imaginative 6 year old
Hobbes - his energetic and sardonic, albeit stuffed tiger
(he only comes alive when his parents are not around)

Calvin's parents
always referred to only as "Mom" and "Dad"
or "Dear" to each other.

Calvin's next door neighbour
and one-time swim instructor.
Moe, a bully at Calvin's school.
____________________________________________________________Calvin : mom,could you drive me into town??
mom : Why should I drive you,Calvin?? It's a perfect day outside! What do you think people have feet fot??
Calvin : To work the gas pedal.
Calvin : What should we have dad read us tonight?
dad : (holding a comic book) ...so in the next panel, supertoad goes "plooie", and....
dad : (holding a story book) 'My what big teeth you have!' said little red riding hood. 'The better to eat you with!' said the wolf...
Calvin : Tiger.
dad : ...said the tiger, and he pouned on little red riding hood. Just then a hunter came by, and when he saw the wolf...
Calvin : Tiger.
dad : ...when he saw the tiger, he picked up his gun and...
Calvin : AND??!!!
dad : (throws the book) ..and it was too late. The tiger ate them both and he lived happily ever after. The End.
Hobbes : *sniff* I always cry at happy ending.
Calvin : (rolling around the floor gagging) GAACKGURGLELEPBTHFF!!!
mom : very grim,Calvin. You're still having oatmeal.
Calvin : gurgle..
mom : quit playing with your oatmeal and eat it,Calvin
(oatmeal jumps out of the bowl)
Calvin : (strikes down his fork on the table) YAHH!! DEATH TO OATMEAL! (Calvin chases it around the house) YOU'LL NEVER ESCAPE, VILE GLOP! DIE! DIE!
mom : CALVIN! QUIT.... oh no.... (points at her husband) it's YOUR fault we didn't have a sweet little girl! YOUR stupid chromosome!! not MINE!!
(she walks off and her husband looks blur)
I WAS blurr when I was reading this few years ago but now i getit.
Thanks Miss Laurene xD
For those who dont...
the ovule(egg) contains X chromosome
whereas the sperm('tadpoles') contain X or Y chromosome
for a girl, it should be X and X chromosome
for a boy, it should be X and Y chromosome
So yea..blame the guy =p
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