Saturday, September 27, 2008


You've thought of taking a stand

You've said that you will never be a part of it

But how many of you have actually
practiced what you preech??

We've all been a part of discrimination.
Whether it be...


I've experienced racism when I was in kindergarden
I was kicked and told to stay away because I'm a Chinese by this guy and even his maid. So what else was I to do but to avoid him?? To this day, I still have this feeling of hate towards him. I laughed when I found out that he retained but I wouldn't do or say anything to show my feeling of anger.I know better.
I've experienced sexism when I was in form 4
It was during about December. A group of my friends went to the Go Karts.
One of them said

"Girls should not be let to drive cause confirm that they're gonna crash and burn"
Who in their right mind wouldnt get pissed off at that?? Inevitably I exploded. This person however made more and more and more sexist comments.
I've experienced being told off of for being a Christian too many times
[I used to a Christian, I just found a new perspective on life]

Some said stuff like...

Jesus is not real
We ought to kill all Christians
Being a *whatever religion they are* is so much better than being a Christian

I get uncomfortable when things like those are said[well who wouldn't??]
But you just have to shrug it off and get on with life.
The most going-to-get-you-killed comment was when our English teacher told us to do a report on a person we look up to most and my classmate said
"Let's do Hitler cause he killed all the Jews"
We all ignored her comment and discussed about some other people while that person just went on and on about Hitler.
I really wanted to smash her head in. Then again, if I did that, MY HEAD would get smashed in because outsiders might see it as an act of Racism.

Life's never fair and yet I don't see why people get so upset and outraged when a racist comment is made by a celebrity. You can make the person feel guilty and bad but so what?? The person will NEVER EVER change his/her opinion.
As many of us are leaving to go over broad to study.
Word of advice :
Never talk about politics, race or religion among friends. Culture is ok but just not those 3.

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